Thursday, September 2, 2010

Etude Doctor Lash Ample CF with 2NE1

So, what happens when pink and princessy cosmetic company Etude House teams up with the charmingly silly gals of 2NE1?
See for yourself! 

Dara still can't act to save her life, fortunately, she has amazingly milky skin to complement her pretty face. She looked wonderful with minimal makeup and her glowy complexion sure is enviable! I don't know about the other girls because their faces were covered with those googly eyes SFX. LOL! I'm sure a lot of girls are interested in the "Etude Doctor Lash Ample" now with the über popular Kpop group 2NE1 hawking the lash serum. I wonder if it is being sold locally. (note to self: go to Etude House this weekend!)

side note: Lurvey and I are feeling so much better now! Its our last day of antibiotics *tummy is dancing in glee* hehe. Again,  thank you everyone for your concern and warm messages!



  1. That's a cute ad...glad you're both feeling better now.....

  2. Glad you two are better, you should be able to enjoy the weekend!

  3. LOL honestly Georgina, the big eyes scare me. They look like huge hamsters!

  4. Ahh!! That's just too cute!! I like 2NE1 very much and their googly eyes just made me love them :P Luckily Etude House is CF from what I know, yays. Thanks for the video, I needed something happy. & I'm so glad that you and your bf are recovering nicely :)

  5. So cute!
    I lvoe Dara :)
    Glad youre feeling better :]

  6. yeap!!!! They sell the lash ampule here. I have one, and I've been using it for some time.

    It did wonders to my lashes. They became longer and thicker, specially my lower lashes.. :)

  7. So adorableee!!! EH is terribly slow in bringing new goodies in, I'll wait a while before I stalk them hahaha xD

    I didn't bring anything home with me when I went shopping last weekend *sniff*

  8. I really wanna give that product a try when I went to Etude House last time... now I really should pick one!!! ^__^

  9. Hi! Thanks for your baby comment. Yes, my hubby and I are very excited for our Christmas baby boy. I will definitely be posting photos like crazy. I hope you're doing well. Have a great day!

    junghwa by amy stewart

  10. I saw this CF yesterday on YT and I LOVED it. ♥ Haha, Dara might not be the greatest actress, but she's so darn pretty and cute. ><;

    ★ Cookiie

  11. Whoa, just like a live anime...hehe. *^_^* Uber-cute!

  12. ohh im not a big kpop fan but they are cute!

  13. Wow I would really love to have this hehe :) if you do get it please let us know if it works :)

  14. LOL! What a funny commercial! Even though it was really kind of weird that they had those googly eyes at least asian commercials are more entertaining than the ones here in N.America *sigh*
    Dara is my fave out of 2NE1, I agree, she has such lovely skin!


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