Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus BR666 (LE)

It's finally out in our local department stores Manila based lovelies! My HG mascara in a subtle brown color.  I bought mine last Sunday at SM Makati, had to wait for almost 2 hours just for the SA and the cashier to come into a proper settlement as the Sugary Trap collection's bar codes weren't working yet. I almost ran out of patience,  good thing the beauty section was quite huge and filled with loads of interesting stuff. xD

anyway, here it is!

close-up of BR666
a rich chocolate brown shade, I had to remind myself its not edible. :P

I'm actually wearing it today, no other makeup used aside from UD 24/7 liner in Bourbon (which I can't live without). Its too hot to wear foundation right now.

♥ Contains long fibers for lengthening effect.
♥ holds the curl all day
♥ Smudge-proof, waterproof - no panda eyes (O.O)
♥ Lightweight
♥ Soft color, natural looking
♥ Brush type wand separates lashes, no clumps!
♥ Reasonably priced for a great quality mascara (Php795 approx. USD18)
♥ Available locally!

♥ Limited Edition
♥ Difficult to remove, must use oil based cleanser

I'm really excited about this mascara, its a perfect shade for summer, a great alternative to the usual black I wear, and I'm sure it won't budge under the sweltering heat! Highly recommended to my lovelies! :)

Hard to believe were almost halfway through 2011! Happy merry month of May! 


  1. G!!! the sugarry collection is out na? i need to head on over to sm makati LOL! i need er... want the LE blush with passion! :P

    i have this one and i agree its definitely great for summer. i wish they'd make it a part of their permanent line. :3

  2. looks really natural on you! :D i didn't know that this is limited edition :3 but really looks very natural and no sign of clumping.

  3. Looks great on you! The brown color is very pretty and natural.


  4. I need to get a good brown liner, it's so hard to deposit colour with the Revlon one that I'm using.

    Love the brown mascara on you! So natural yet it gives you length.

    Btw did you take your EOTD with natural or artificial light?

  5. Your lashes look great, G. Looks really natural too.

  6. Blair: have u tried urban decay liners? They're the best I've tried so far. I prefer it over MUFE Aqua Eyes :) took the photos under natural daylight :)

  7. The eyeliner and mascara looks great on you! They give such a soft, pretty look! Thanks for sharing!

  8. G, we are SO SIMILAR!!! i love UD Bourbon <3 until i found Dollywink brown liner XD!! i agree the Mj mascaras are super hard to remove, hence i'm staying off from their mascaras :/

  9. Thanks for posting this. Been wanting to try out that mascara. :)

  10. the color is gorgeous! too bad it's LE

  11. quite pricey for kuripot like me. LOL
    Btw, nice blog. Definitely going to follow you! :D


  12. wooo mj lash expander frame plus, i love!!! i only have the regular black one though. this brown one looks super natural on you or you probably already have long lashes in the first place haha.

  13. I love my brown UD eyeliner too! except mine is Whiskey hehe.. the brown coloured MM mascara sounds great.. I think i may go back to MM mascara soon!

  14. Ah i want these so many people have it lol i have the black version and i love but don't use it often cause its so hard to remove!

  15. Oh geeze 2 hours?! Dangg, you're a trooper G. I've heard so many good things about that mascara but I don't think it'd work for me because of the type of wand. Small teeth ones usually just clump my lashes together.

  16. wheee this is my HG lengthening mascara as well! I have the black one, but I love how natural it looks.


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